Monday, September 20, 2010


I hate the feeling of having something missing.. You just don't feel whole nothing feels normal and you just see yourself with a hole inside of you. That's how I've been feeling for the longest time now, nobody can seem to understand or know how to help me even. I just want support and the love of family and friends.

Time is ticking and yet I'm at a stand still.. Maybe I beat myself up to much for feeling this way, I'm just tired of crying and not being able to have anyone really truly understand why I feel so down. I need to just be "me" again and I can't even do that at the moment. It's not fair, but then again nothing is fair in this world.

Maybe some day soon, who knows really I could wake up one day and feel wonderful or I could feel even worse then I do now. All I know is I feel "lost" in this world and I can't be "whole" again until I figure out what is the "Missing Key" in my life.

It has nothing to do with money, all though I wish I had more of it... nothing to do with kids or the love of my life.. It's about me and my "wondering soul" that seems to be caught in limbo as I stand alone doing the chicken dance of life.

Hopefully soon, I'll find that missing piece and I'll be "whole" once more!


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